What is a Photofacial?
“Photofacial” is a popular term for a series of treatments to rejuvenate aging or sun-damaged skin. This treatment reduces redness, unwanted blood vessels, brown spots, fine lines, uneven tone, and pore size of the face, neck, chest and hands. It is recommended that individuals undergo treatment two to four times per year for optimal results.
What is BBL™?
BroadBand Light Therapy, also known as a photofacial, uses cutting-edge technology to produce younger looking skin that’s firm, and more even in tone and texture. BBL™ is FDA approved and requires little recovery time. The light energy delivered by the BBL™ will gently heat the upper layers of your skin and the heat absorbed by the targeted areas will stimulate skin cells and generate new collagen. This process restores your skin to its natural beauty, blending its natural colors and making it smoother.
What Does a Photofacial Treat?
Any area of your body may be treated. The most popular treatments are on the face, neck, back of the hands, chest and shoulders, due to the amount these areas are exposed to sunlight. A series of photofacial treatments are highly effective for a variety of skin conditions such as brown spots, small spider veins, general skin redness, and broken capillaries.
Who Should Not Get a Photofacial Treatment?
Those who have recently sun-tanned their skin or anyone who receives excess sun exposure in the immediate weeks following treatment should not receive this treatment for safety reasons. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should also not receive treatment. Anyone with connective tissue disease, autoimmune disorders, pacemakers or those who are prone to keloids should avoid treatment. You should not receive treatment if you are taking Accutane or if you have stopped taking Accutane in the last 6 months. Individuals who get fever blister attacks (herpes simplex) should take an ant-herpes medication prior to treatment.
What Can I Expect During My BBL Treatment?
Photofacial treatments last 15-60 minutes. Make-up will be removed, as well as sun block and face creams. Men should shave on the day of treatment prior to their arrival. Eye shields will be given to protect eyes. Cooling gel will be applied to your skin prior prior to treatment, which will help with the discomfort. After the procedure you will be asked to ice the area and will be given post-treatment instructions.
Photofacial BBL At CCLS
Dr. Rubach is the Director for the Center for Cosmetic & Laser Surgery, and is a leader in the field of aesthetic surgery. He is double board certified in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Otolaryngology. To schedule a consultation for a photofacial with Dr. Rubach call (630) 851-3223 today.