If you’re preparing for a facelift in Naperville, here are eight suggestions for things to do in getting ready for your procedure.
Adjust Your Prescription Medications
Talk with Dr. Rubach or Dr. Franco about all your prescription medications during your initial consultation. If needed, the doctor will contact your prescribing physician to determine if adjustments should be made to ensure your safety during the procedure.
Stop Smoking
Nicotine restricts blood flow and can cause complications during and after the procedure. So, stop smoking, chewing or vaping.
Avoid Certain OTC Medications
To reduce the risk of excessive bleeding, avoid aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications and herbal supplements. If in doubt, ask the doctor.
Arrange a Ride
You’ll be sedated during the procedure and unable to drive when you wake up. You’ll need someone to drive you home once you’re released.
Water helps the healing process, so drink plenty of water in the weeks preceding the procedure to help with healing and recovery.
Wear the Right Clothing
After your procedure, you don’t want to take off clothing over your head. So wear clothing that closes in the front for easy removal.
Ask for Help
Surgery, including a facelift, requires downtime to rest and heal. You’ll need someone to help with meals and housekeeping for a few days after surgery.
More Questions?
If you have additional questions about preparing for your facelift in Naperville, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our staff at the Center for Cosmetic and Laser Surgery is here to guide you through every step of your journey.